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ArchiCAD Consultation

Servicing professionals within the industry. If you are a Design firm, Design & Construction firm, Architectural firm or a Freelance Designer who uses ArchiCAD and find yourself re-writing & re-drawing the same details and legends over and over again for each new project, then you are wasting valuable time!


We can assess and tackle your ArchiCAD template to streamline your work flow, cutting hours worth of work out of your documentation process. 

Understand your Setbacks & Hurdles

If you find yourself copying & pasting the same texts,  tools, and tweaking legends from project to project, then it's likely that your ArchiCAD template isn't on autopilot. We will complete a comprehensive study of your design to documentation process and find out your obstacles so that we can streamline your workflow.


Implement a Strategy

After understanding your hurdles, we will compile a checklist that refines your workflow from project start-up through to final publishing output so that you can document projects as efficiently as possible.


Create an ArchiCAD Template bespoke to you

We will start developing an ArchiCAD template that's bespoke to your workflow. If you have a template that needs refining, we can update this too. Template development can take anywhere between

2-4 weeks depending on how many components need updating.


Staff Training, Onboarding & Individual professionals

After template has been reviewed and finalized, we can provide several training sessions to an individual or entire team to run through the latest template update and optimal workflow. We can also provide one-on-one ArchiCAD training to new on boarders or professionals who want to learn ArchiCAD. 


Get in Touch

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